Monday, May 10, 2010




  1. That was a short one, Scott.

  2. I met you once in Huntsville. You were speaking in a church where our band was playing.
    It is a beautiful day at the beginning of what promises to be an incredible week. I spent the morning working in the yard and now sit in considerable pain, the result of an accident three years ago. I am under employed but getting by, feeling somewhat empty, watching my wifes slowly eroding mental health, the effect of aggressive radiation therapy to halt a life threating brain tumor and wondering when I started moving away from God. Think I'll follow your blog for awhile.

  3. Interesting comment. Today I feel gloomy and nonproductive. But after reading your response, I should be counting my blessings. Thanks for saying hi. SJ

  4. Oops, didn't mean to suggest that. God deals with all of us differently it appears and thankfully not according to what guys like me deserve either. One of the dearest Christians I know has just been diagnosed with cancer for the third time in her short 40 years so I can't complain. I have no idea what you are going through but I believe you are a warrior and an inspiration to so many people and that is why I am interested in what happens next. I guess I am looking for hope.

  5. Sj,
    You said you should be counting your blessings...are you?


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