Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Thursday

I met with a friend this week for lunch and as I had hoped, he gave me great advice.

Well, blog buddies, you're my friends, so I know you don't mind me cutting to the chase and stating: I feel burned out. My sleep pattern is totally ruined. I surrendered my radio show three months ago because I felt like I had nothing more to say and I still don't miss it. (I've been on the air for 30 years!) The depression still exists about every 3 days. If you have depression maybe you can relate to "I don't care". I think depression is really about selfishness. If selfishness is not bad enough, the sulking is the icing on the cake.

Well, thankfully there's a lot of people who care about me so that's encouraging. And not the people I expected. I've got lots (and lots) of advice. Every week someone wants to help me by selling me a video series, or a book, or download a podcast or go to a retreat centre, or buy some medicinal thing. I wonder - why won't God just heal me?

It's tough being a leader and feeling useless for a half week.

Well, as I said, I went to lunch and my friend discerned my story and suggested I take a sabbatical. Hmmm. That sounds like fun. It's very common in ministry and for company leaders. Sometimes leaders go back to school to get their "masters of something". Other people travel. Some explore a hobby that they've never had time to get to. And being a project-based person, I always need three or four things going on at the same time. My friend looked at me and he said - "No. You need to rest".

Rest. Well, I'll get a little of that over this Easter Weekend.

I also had, I think, a spiritual breakthru today. But that's for another blog.

Thinking About: The Breakthru
Listening To: "Rose Garden" Nick Jonas - iPod repeat
Reading: "Still Growing" Kirk Cameron
Praying About: How to find rest.


  1. I recently heard the president of NYC's largest marketing company speak about sabbaticals. He mandates that his entire staff take a sabbatical every 7 years. The entire agency shuts down for 12 months while the entire staff goes on sabbatical.

    He said when they come back from their 12 month leave, the work they do is far superior to the work they did the year before the sabbatical. They have an increased passion for their work, they have more energy, and they have a full tank creatively.

    There are a number of denominations that mandate 3-month sabbaticals for their staff every 5 or 7 years. I think it's a good idea.

  2. Scott,

    I pray that you will be ministered to by our loving Heavenly Father and His host of angels. It is because of the ministry that you have given so much of yourself to, that you feel like you are at the end of your rope. I pray that God will bless you, Scott exceedingly above all you could possibly hope or imagine as you rest in your heavenly Father's hand. You are loved by many of us who have listened to your radio station and show and by Abba Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will drink richly from Their ministry to you.

    Take the sabbatical. You deserve it. Well done though good and faithful servant.

  3. Scott, you sound like you definitely need to 'follow your gut' and take some time away from your very-active ministry commitments. God reminded us to "Be still and know ...". When we're really, really busy caring for, catering to, and ministering over individuals in our circle, we are not being 'still', and sometimes don't definitely 'know', because we're just too busy. We get no extra points in Heaven for overworking and overachieving, when our own walk falters because of overcommitments. From one who is presently on a self-determined break from ministry (some are calling it a Sabbatical), I am very slowly learning to be content in the quiet moments ... I almost don't know what to do with them, as it's been so long since I've had them. But I believe God is working on softening me for His continued service -- and I believe he can do the same for you. Trust Him; allow yourself to let others carry the burden. You will be blessed.


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