Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Answer To The Question

A bunch of questions are in my email box.

Question: "Where are you playing with the band Ascension?" Answer: Looks like my band has disbanded. One of our musicians has health problems and withdrew. So, I'm looking for a band where I can play drums on an irregular basis.

Question: "do you miss being on the air?". Answer: no, not really. The only part I miss is the show preparation which keeps me in touch with current events. If I don't show prep, I feel out of touch with entertainment and world news.

Question - "why are you off the air?" Answer: I feel like I have nothing new to say. I've been on the radio for 32 years, with a short break here and there. I'm sure I'll return. In fact, I'll fill in for Jen Melanson during her holidays, but as for a permanent return - we'll have to wait and see.

Question - "do you like speaking at churches?" Answer: I really do. I like seeing how other churches worship - different music styles, some charasmatic, some conservative, different pastors each with their own characteristics. Most of the time the Sunday speaking engagements are good fun. It's fun to worship with a different group of people every month.

Question - "what music are you listening to now?" Answer: In my iPod the most played songs are:

"We Weren't Born To Follow"/Bon Jovi
"Can't Stay Away"/Kris Allen
"Down And Out"/Hello Kelly and To Tell
"No Be Nah"/John Reuben
"Salvation Is Here"/Lincoln Brewster

Thanks for the questions. Have a great night!

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