Thursday, July 28, 2011


I’ve been journaling the details of my spiritual walk with Jesus since 1995. Ya, I know it’s a girly thing to do, but I don’t care.

My journal is a collection of entries. Most entries are written in four parts, starting with - 1) Stuff I’m thinking about; 2) The song I’ve been listening to recently; 3) The book and/or devotional I’m reading, and 4) Prayer requests with a scripture verse that I’ve just read. I usually write the verse in red so it pops out.

Other entries sometimes include short notes from church, or statement I heard on the radio (usually from Walk in the Word), or from a friend, or a photocopy of a paragraph I read in a magazine or something.

All of it is a snapshot of where my mind is at on that day.

Not everything in my journal is spiritual because not everything I think or do is spiritual. Buying the new house or seeing a movie isn’t spiritual but if it was an important part of my day, I’ll make note of the activity and how I felt about it. Sometimes the activity leads me to my spiritual side.

Two great things come from journaling.

Firstly, I can look back and see where I came from. The depressing, desperate and angry entries sound like they were written by someone else. I don't hold back and sometimes my language is unChrist-like. Haha! But the positive, praising, loving entries remind me that there will always be another good day, and even when I’m feeling lost and crappy, the sun will come out.

Secondly, there is something about journaling that frees me. I guess I’m facing fears and encouraging myself when I put it in writing.

The journal becomes “a greatest hits reflection” of my spiritual life - the highs and lows.

What I've learned most about myself is that I will always have crappy days. I see the repetition of an angry attitude, impure thoughts, and the lousy routine of sin-confess-sin-confess and how stupid I feel because of it. But the Psalmist had the same thoughts as me, and the Psalmist wrote down his thoughts and prayers just like me! We are the same - just people, making notes, talking to God and trying to figure it all out.

Journaling is pretty cool. You should do it and see if it accelerates your Walk.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip, Scott. Surprisingly, this very notion has been on my mind for some time. Maybe God's trying to tell me something?

    - Nate


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