Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This Blog Has No Title...just the words and the tune.

Today was a scrambled, mixed up day.

I woke up early and did devotions as usual. Today the devo was Matthew 6 – pretty popular.

Jesus talked about “giving” – so when you give money or stuff to help someone, you do it without wanting to be noticed. He talked about “praying” – not to show off with glamorous prayers, and not to go on and on – just say what’s on your mind, in your own language. Then it quickly moved into worship without eating – as in “fasting”, and not making a big deal about it, like “excuuuuuse me, but I’m fasting today!”.

Lastly, I read about storing up treasures in heaven, not here on earth where they rot. I looked around the room at the souvenirs of cool stuff I've come to love and our new patio.

I said to God, “I don’t live up to any of this.”

Over the next 20 minutes my mind went from alert and energetic to the pits. What made me feel worse was that it happened during my time with God. Aren’t those quiet moments in the Word, in prayer, supposed to lift me up?

I returned to verse 33 – one of my favourites – “Seek first the Kingdom of Righteousness….”. I thought I was doing that but today it didn’t bless me. It didn’t take me to a higher place.

Any speck of holiness quickly melted away. During that dying moment, I thought of a worship song, just randomly - “Jesus, lover of my soul. Jesus I will never let you go”. I kept thinking about it over and over – and fell back to sleep.

Before dinner I went for a short ride to Shanty Bay, stopped for 20 minutes and laid in the grass wearing my iPod and watched the clouds move slowly across the sky.

God gave me a sunny day to enjoy – and my response was – blah.

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