Sunday, May 11, 2014


I went to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert in Toronto this weekend - Geoff Moore was the special guest.  Geoff Moore, if you didn't know, was the first artist in Christian music that I heard. From Geoff, I went deeper. So, you could say that Geoff Moore was a catalyst to LIFE 100.3.

Anyway, at the show, Geoff was preaching and he said "we get up in the morning and follow our saviour."  And it is on that thought that I am pondering.

Geoff always makes me feel like there is a bigger Christian life than the one I know. I want the life he projects, realizing that he may not be there himself, but that’s ok.

He speaks about adopting children from China at a time in his life when he didn’t want to but in doing it he found the bigger blessing by following God’s will.  That would mean he is 1) wanting to listen to God's nudge, and 2) following through.

Every time I hear Geoff speak, he makes me want to "live it" -  faithfully, daily, hourly.

Being a Christian isn’t about doing stuff to make God love me - it’s about the doing right stuff so that my friends are witnesses to the integrity of my faith. And, in doing that, I will have a more enjoyable life.

There are a few people in my life who lead the authentic Christian life so wonderfully that I want to be like them. 

Geoff is inspiring. He confidently exudes good character from the stage, and every time I hear him speak, he makes me want "to do it."  Not being edgy - just real.

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