Monday, January 21, 2013


Light snow falling over the lake. It's a quiet day at home.

Thinking About: My dad's generosity, upcoming Sharathon, Anthem For Today goals
Listening to: U2 mix of songs on my iPod
Reading: Jesus Calling
Praying for: the above, trusting, hearing.

My current devotional is "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. It's like Daily Bread - one page for each day of the year. The interesting thing is that she writes it as if it was God speaking to you. The message is not about God; it's from God. It certainly personalizes the message.

The message that is sticking with me is about how God orchestrates each day, if I let Him. So, on the days when things are running smoothly I may be unaware of His presence in the situation. And when the days are not going well, and there seems to be many of them, maybe God is doing something important. I need to tune in and see what He's doing, listen, and above all, not try to figure it out.

As I was reading, thinking and praying, Bono was singing, "It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your day and thoughts. Now that I'm the age I am, and depending on test results here and realize how many days are possibly left. And from where I've decided to live, beautiful days (weather-wise)are few and far between sometimes. So, I find that I have to look deeper to find the real beauty in a day, that's been gifted. Thanks for the reminder...not to give up looking. :-)


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