Monday, November 8, 2010

127 Days

This movie was released last Friday. Dunno when it's in Barrie but I really want to see it.

It's the "true" story of Aron Ralston who is a mountain climber and got his arm stuck in a rock crevice while climbing. He was stuck for four days. Finally he used a pocket knife to cut off his arm and get freed.

I saw the real life Aron on Letterman. It's quite a story of courage and never giving up.

It's no surprise they made a movie. I'm glad James Franco is playing the role - he's an interesting guy, too.

The trailer says the movie is restricted, probably because of the scene with the knife. Apparently two people were carried out of the Toronto Film Festival on a gurney. I may have to buy some popcorn during that scene. Haha!



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