My devotional (365 days) is “Experiencing God Day by Day”. Surprisingly, since I started, I’ve rarely missed a day. (This is a big deal for me.)
Yesterday I was reading about Moses. The story is about Moses settling disputes among the Israelites. I guess everyone was asking him to judge their situations and he was overwhelmed because he was taking on more work than he could handle. His father-in-law saw what was happening and told him to delegate the work to others.
Sometimes, well a lot, I take on more than I can handle. Then I get exhausted.
The devo reminds me that just because I see a need doesn’t mean that God intended me to pick up the slack. I don’t think God wants us to be overwhelmed. Maybe when we feel like that, we’re doing more than God is expecting. Maybe some of the needs we try to do are meant for someone else and we’re blocking the experience.
This story about Moses and his father-in-law – I have not heard. Exodus 18:14
I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to lighten my load of stuff to do. Half the stuff I do probably doesn’t matter to anybody but me.
So – why do it?
Hey, I can definitely relate, Scott!