Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I love Christian music. I love it because I like to sing along to songs on the radio. People tell me NOT to sing, but I don't mind. Haha.
I've heard people say, "Christian artists always copy mainstream artists - Christian music isn't original."  Well, mainstream artists don't have a copyright on "a mainstream sound". And alot of it is very good. Music goes through cycles of styles, like boy bands, or punk music, or girl-rockers or dance songs - every few years those cycles re-emerge.

But if Christian music sounds like secular music, what's wrong with that? As Christians we want to be relevant so why not use a music style that's relevant?  If Christian artists have a sound like a mainstream artist, that's great.

Other people say the opposite. I hear "Christian music doesn't sound like mainstream music" - and that's also true. No artist, that I'm aware of sounds, like The Newboys. And nobody in mainstream sounds like Chris Tomlin. So there we are the two biggest selling artists in Christian music, loved and adored, and there is no mainstream counterpart. I guess that makes them "original".

Hmmm.  There's critics on both sides.

As long as I'm still singing along with Christian music (and nobody stops me!) I think it's all good, regardless of style.

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