The mail’s here! Loooook! My book arrived! Oh, did I tell you that during my sabbatical I wrote a book? It’s about the only thing I know – radio. It is not a biography of Scott Jackson – I’m expecting Larry King to invite me on his show as a guest to discuss that. Actually, I’m waiting for the call. (joking)
“Good To Great – The Radio Version” is 121 pages of recycled ideas, gasps from the past and random, ridiculous tales - the stuff that makes me love radio.
Today I received the first actual softcover copy – ready for the final edit.
Through my company More Radio, one copy will be sent to every Christian station in Canada at no charge. You and your boss can fight over it. Or you can buy it yourself through Lulu – whatever that is.
Wanna work in radio? Read this book!
Getting bored of radio? Read this book!
Love radio stories that blur with time? You will LOVE this book!
Radio, ministry, Jesus.
It was either this or a book about a bicycle and I think Lance has that one covered!
Release date: sometime after Labour Day!
Looking forward to reading it, Scott!