Doing devotions before a ride to Orillia. I'm using the "Experiencing God" devo to get me started and then I wander (spiritually) from there.
Today the message talks about God hearing my prayers even before I cry out.
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
That's pretty cool.
The devo goes on to say:
Don't ever assume that God is more concerned with the needs of other more significant, more spiritual people than He is of yours.
Man, that is so easy to feel. I'm lil me, sitting at this table while the world spins with all of its problems and people like Billy Graham, Bono and James MacDonald are praying up a storm - by comparison my words are puny. I know He cares about us all. I know.
This devo lifts me up. It reminds me - I am special to God.
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